Monotype Corsiva Font Family
Download Monotype Corsiva Bold font. Part of the Monotype Corsiva font family, Monotype Corsiva Bold is a very well- known and appreciated serif font. Inspired by the early Italian calligraphy, this font has a certain royal and official vibe to it. Monotype Corsiva was published by Monotype. Monotype Corsiva contains 4 styles and family package options. Monotype Corsiva contains 4 styles and family package options. More about this family. Download Monotype Lydian font for PC/Mac for free, take a test-drive and see the entire character set. Monotype Lydian Font Family. Monotype Corsiva. The Monotype Corsiva font family was designed by typographer Patricia Saunders for Monotype Corporation and released in 1995. It is based on the early Ital.
The Monotype Corsiva™ font family was designed by typographer Patricia Saunders for Monotype Corporation and released in 1995. It is based on the early Italian cursives – particularly those created by Renaissance papal scribe Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi. The font is a sloped, serif design, featuring swash capitals and attractive rendering for formal use.
The inspiration for Monotype Corsiva started very early on in the history of type design and printing. Long before the slab serifs of the nineteenth century and the minimalist designs of modern typographers, there were the elaborate, swashbuckling letterforms produced by the early masters of print. These early pioneers of the press were educated in the fine art of calligraphy and illuminated manuscript: a quality exuded by fonts like Monotype Corsiva.
Corsiva in particular was heavily influenced by the work of Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi, a papal scribe active during the Renaissance period in Italy. Arrighi’s contribution to typography is certainly noteworthy: he was employed by the Apostolic Chancery in 1515 and produced a pamphlet on handwriting (namely the rendering of Chancery) in 1522 called La Operina. The 32 page woodcut production was well received and led to a number of other releases, the last one occurring just before the sacking of Rome in 1527, during which Arrhigi probably perished.
Modern typographers have emulated his work – famous names like Robert Slimbach, Stanley Morison and Frederic Warde. It wasn’t until the latter half of the twentieth century, however, that Monotype Corporation commissioned the talented typographer Patricia Saunders (also known for her work on the Arial™ font) to produce a typeface suitable for formal purposes.
As a result, Monotype Corsiva was born and was released in 1995. Now a commonly held font and incorporated into software like the Microsoft Office suite, Monotype Corsiva has proven very popular among the general public and the designer community alike. It is one of the only commonly available fonts which, when seen in its Cyrillic form, contains the Te (a Cyrillic T with three legs).
Being such a charming font, Monotype Corsiva is often used in formal settings such as event invitations, certificates and other important occasional material. Its letterforms are slightly too embellished for use in book publishing, but certainly legible enough on an invitation.
Monotype Corsiva is also very popular in logo design, because its cursive quality fulfills the need for fancier lettering without rendering the result completely indecipherable. Examples of logos created with Monotype Corsiva include Cypress Properties in Santa Fe Springs, California and the DFW Artistic Roller Skating Club in Arlington, Texas.
As a Chancery style font, Monotype Corsiva is continually popular with graphic artists, designers and the general public and will very likely continue to be so.
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Basic Infomartion
Monotype Corsiva Italic Font
Font family: Monotype Corsiva
Font subfamily identification: Regular
Unique identifier: Monotype Corsiva : 1991
Full font name: Monotype Corsiva
Version: Version 2.35
Postscript font name: MonotypeCorsiva
Trademark notice: Monotype Corsivaª is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Manufacturer name: Monotype Typography, Inc.
Designer: Monotype Type Drawing Office - Patricia Saunders
Description: An italic typeface made in the style of the early Italian cursives, as exemplified by the work of the writing master Ludovico degli Arrighi in the sixteenth century. The capitals are of swash design, with characteristic flourishes, designed primarily for use as initial letters. Corsiva can be used for short text passages in advertising but is best used to add sparkle to invitations, greeting cards and menus, and to give a sense of occasion to certificates and awards.
License: NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENT This typeface is the property of Monotype Typography and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this typeface software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of Monotype 0019s licensees. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited to your workstation for your own publishing use. You may not copy or distribute this software. If you have any question concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software or contact Monotype for a copy of the license agreement. Monotype can be contacted at: USA 847-718-0400 UK 44(0)1737 765959 For license terms and usage rights, please visit our web site at Lizenzbedingungen und Nutzungsrechte finden Sie auf unserer Webseite Pour plus d'informations concernant les droits d'utilisation et les questions contractuelles, veuillez consultez notre site Para obtener información acerca de los términos de licencia y los derechos de uso, visite nuestro sitio en el Web en Per le condizioni contrattuali ed i diritti d'uso, visitate il nostro sito web all'indirizzo
Monotype Corsiva Font Family
MONOTYPE CORSIVA.TTF, Monotype Corsiva Regular, monotype-corsiva, monotype corsiva regular, monotype-corsiva, monotype corsiva-ttf, windows, ttf, font, monotype, corsiva, regular, various