Waukesha Vgf Manual

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Based on the MIC3+ series, MOTORTECH produces special ignition controller as replacement for WAUKESHA® CEC ignition system, used on ATGL, VGF and VHP series gas engines with 6, 8 or 12 cylinders.
Designed as an exchange device, the MIC3+CEC enables a quick conversion without great effort. Due to the connector configuration of the inputs and outputs adapted to the CEC control units, no adaptation of the cabling or triggering is necessary. The ignition coils used by the engine manufacturer are also supported by the MIC3+CEC and do not need to be replaced for operation.
The bracket set included in the scope of delivery allows easy mounting of the MIC3+CEC at the original position of the WAUKESHA® CEC device. The software, which is also included, contains a selection of pre-defined configuration files for most WAUKESHA® motors of the ATGL, VGF and VHP series and spared the individual programming.
As an upgrade and additional protection for the motor the MIC3+CEC can also be connected to the DetCon20 Detonation Control System from MOTORTECH (OEM control is not supported). As a further option we recommend the use of the PowerView3 HMI module to visualize the operating data of the MIC3+CEC and if necessary the DetCon20.

Gas reciprocating power plants

In spite of belonging to one type those gas reciprocating power plants have different technologies. APG1000 is VGF type engine that underwent significant changes. APG2000 and APG3000 are result of laborious task of Waukesha’s engineers that applied injector reciprocating engine’s technique they purchased from Finnish Corporation Wartsila. These engines were designed for commercial and industrial power engineering.

Gas reciprocating power plant Waukesha APG1000


Waukesha Dresser Engine, Inc announced entering the market of new line gas reciprocating engines running on natural gas in December of 2004, on international exposition dedicated to energy generation in Las-Vegas (USA, Nevada). New product line was called APG (Advanced Power Generation). APG1000 was first of this line and was based on VGF type engines. As representative of Waukesha Engineering Development Center said, APG1000 had become a culmination of continuous investigation and designing conducted within the scope of ARES programme with participation of U.S. Department of Energy. This line started up in 2006 and found its place in commercial and industrial power engineering market by now. Main advantages are its small-scale dimensions and high efficiency.

APG1000 was created on the basis of 16-cylinder gas reciprocating engine APG 16V150LTD type with turbocharging and intercooling.

Power plant runs on pre-depleted fuel mix and its efficiency is 42,5% (power factor 0.8, 1/2 TA Luft and 50 Hz frequency). Gas reciprocating engine power plants are equipped with turbocharger made by ABB Turbocompressors. New gas reciprocating engine power plants APG type are supplied with engine management system ESM – control and diagnostics unit that already has consumer confidence because Waukesha produces it for other engines as well. ESM provides air-fuel ratio control in depleted fuel mix, ignition process and rotating speed monitoring and control, engine detonation diagnostics. Besides, ESM ensures emergency stops and constant monitoring and diagnostics of main engine’s operating parameters. During pilot operation in 2003-2005 tests, final adjustment of basic systems and technologies, developed within the bounds of ARES program, were carried out. Particularly it concerns all air using cycle from intake system to exhausting system. To provide stability of energy output and to increase lifetime of its components full-scale upgrading of combustion depleted fuel mixture system was done. Using of computer simulation advanced cylinder heads that took into account its liability to high pressure, was designed, cooling system was optimized. Higher combustion speed and high specific power resulted high peak pressure in cylinders. It required modernization of crankshaft and crankcase construction. Air intake and exhaust systems were upgraded as well to ultimately decrease working substance losses. In other words, APG1000 is gas reciprocating engine power plant embodied the largest quantity of Waukesha engineers’ rational design.

Gas reciprocating power plant Waukesha APG2000/3000

Waukesha vgf manual online

Gas reciprocating power plant Waukesha APG2000/3000 are based on gas reciprocating engine 220 GL – first injector engine in Waukesha’s product line. Manufacturing rights on this technique were bought from Finnish Corporation Wartsila in 2004. Waukesha’s engineers spent more than two years to adapt Finnish technology to high standards of international energy market and possibility of domestic manufacture. Now we can say that APG2000/3000 are the most compact models of gas reciprocating power plants and it used latest developments of Waukesha. Injector fuel feed system ensures that burden acceptances are identical to diesel engine or even to naturally aspirated gas engines, and concerning exhausts it is equal to gas engines running on depleted fuel mixture. All above mentioned makes 220 GL extremely attractive for users in regimes when quick start and load increase is needed, when the engine works as standby power supply or local power source. Fact that APG2000 and 3000 was initially designed for working in cogeneration cycle is one more characteristic feature of these engines.

Waukesha Vgf Manual 2017

Standard model of these engines has flange for heat-exchange apparatus connection. It makes possible to receive electrical and thermal energy from both cooling circuits. APG2000 and 3000 are equipped with engine management system ESM – that has fuel injection control besides other basic functions. It should be noticed, that 220GL is a first gas reciprocating engine that was equipped with ESM module and every cylinder of this engine has individual closed-loop exhaust temperature-sensitive element. Sensors and other feedback elements provide full engine control and monitoring. They are used by service staff during fault diagnostics as well.

Waukesha Vgf Manual Download

220GL are produced in 16 different versions depending on output power, frequency, emission of NOx level (TA Luft or TA Luft/2) and cooling liquid of water cooling circuit of inflated air at the input (45° or 55°С). APG2000/3000 are offered for transportation in built-up condition: engine, generator are mounted on steel frame that has specifically developed design for this product line. Structure of plant can be solid-web or has vibration isolators, frame is equipped with shipping bracket. APG 2000/3000 was approved by Council of Europe and has appropriate marking that permits using of this new product line in European Economic Area.

Basic technical specifications of gas reciprocating power plants with Waukesha engine APG


Electric Power, kW

Thermal Power, kW

Electrical efficiency, %

Power factor

Engine model

Engine Power, kW

Rotating speed, rpm

Gas flow, cubic m per hour

Exhaust gas temperature, C

Oil consumption through burning, g per kWh

Voltage, kV

Length uncased, mm

Width uncased, mm

Height uncased, mm

Weight uncased, mm











































