Tzedakah Box Template

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Often translated as charity, the word tzedakah comes from the Hebrew word tzedek, which means justice or righteousness. Jews are obligated to pursue social justice, and filling a tzedakah box, a “Jewish charity box“ is one way to fulfil this commandment. Jun 18, 2014 - Explore stroumjcc's board 'Tzedakah Boxes' on Pinterest. See more ideas about Tzedakah, Tzedakah box, Jewish crafts. The large template will make a box that is approximately 6 x 4 inches (15 x 10 cm). Download medium template (1 per page) The medium template will make a box that is approximately 4.8 x 3.4 inches (12.2 x 8.6 cm) Download small template (2 per page) The smaller template will make a box approximately 3.75 x 2.6 inches (9.5 x 6.5 cm). Build Your Own Tzedakah Box is a joint program sponsored by the Jewish Concierge of Sonoma County, and Chabad Jewish Center of Petaluma. For more information, please contact Carol Appel at 415-847.

10 Mivztoim

Do a Mitzvah - Bring Moshiach!

A single good deed can tip the balance and make all the difference. The following is the Ten Point Mitzvah Campaign initiated by the Rebbe twenty years ago. The campaign focuses on specific Mitzvot, through the fulfillment of which the individual and the family will come to a greater appreciation of their Jewish heritage.

Chabad of Sacramento is here to serve you in fulfilling these (and many more!) steps in Jewish observance.


To increase giving charity and to be reminded to do so by displaying a tzedakah box in our homes and businesses.

Contact Leah to get your tzedakah box for home or office. You can also donate online to Chabad.

Jewish Education

To involve any and every Jewish child in an educational program that will teach him/her what it means to be a Jew.

To give your children the Jewish Education they deserve, enroll them in Chabad's Hebrew School! Click here for more information.

Family Purity

By observing the laws of Mikvah and family purity, we add a holy dimension to marriage and family that enhances love.

To learn more about family purity, schedule a tour or an appointment in Sacramento's beautiful, spa-like mikvah, click here.

Ahavat Yisroel

To make an effort that our thought, speech and action be permeated with real concern for our fellow man.

For more reading on this subject, click here

Holy Jewish Books

By having at least a Chumash, Tehillim and Siddur in your home, you transform it into a more sacred environment. is a good resource for Jewish books in many languages. You can also come by Chabad's new library to read from our extensive Hebrew and English Jewish book selection.


Eating only Kosher food enables us to identify with our Judaism on a very real and fundamental level.

If you want to start keeping Kosher, contact Rabbi Mendy Cohen, who can guide you in the process.

Also see our community resource page with the list of stores and kosher food suppliers in Sacramento.


A proper, Kosher, handwritten Mezuza designates a home as Jewish and protects it and its occupants.

Contact Rabbi Mendy, who can tour your home to specify where mezuzahs are needed, and order kosher mezuzahs for you.

Shabbat Candles

Women and girls should light Shabbat candles before sunset on Fridays to usher in the holiness of Shabbat.

Click here for local candle lighting time, instructions, and blessings.


Tefillin are a sign; a public statement of Jewish involvement, an expression of strong Jewish identity.

Contact Rabbi Mendy to start this amazing daily mitzvah.

Torah Study

To set fixed times for Torah study every day so that our spiritual growth and development be systematic and directed.

Join one of our many Torah Classes, or contact Rabbi Mendy to set up private lessons.

Home > Arts and Crafts Projects for Kids > Jewish Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids

Below you will find Jewish Crafts Arts and Crafts Projects Ideas for your Kids....Many Hanukkah Crafts for your Children. Find out how to make your own arts and crafts projects for Jewish Children to Celebrate Judaism and Jewish Holidays with the following decorations, instructions, patterns, and activities for children

Hanukkah Hanging Star of David Ornaments to Make - Celebrate Hanukkah by hanging these sweet decorative Star of David ornaments in your home. You don’t have to have a Christmas tree to have fun, you and your children can decorate your home for Hanukkah and have just as much fun. These Hanukkah ornaments are easy and fun to make and look very beautiful as well.

How to Make Hanukkah Decorations Star Ornaments - Make this adorable Hanukkah star with some Popsicle sticks and glitter glue. They’re so easy to make that you can make lots of them and hang them all over the house as you celebrate Hanukkah this year. Enjoy and have fun tonight and for the next week.

Free Printable Paper Craft for Moses Parting the Sea - This is a printable craft that you print, cut out, put them together so that they stand and just do a few other thing and you have a great craft for Pesach.

How to Make Hanukkah Dreidel Gift Boxes Step by Step - These Hanukkah dreidel gift boxes are fun to make and they look very beautiful as well.

Make an Afikomen / Afikoman Bag for Your Matzah - Play hide the Matza on Pesach. Make an Afikomen bag to put your matza in and hide it. Whoever finds it gets a prize. Fun fun fun

Make Easy Hanukkah Ornaments Making with Push Pins - Celebrate Hanukkah by hanging these easy-to-make Hanukkah ornaments in your home…the best part is that they only take five minutes to make. Yay! You don’t have to have a Christmas tree to have fun, you and your children can decorate your home for Hanukkah and have just as much fun.

- How to Make Hanukkah Decorative Candle Craft for Jewish Kids - Hanukkah starts tonight so forgive me for not putting up some crafts earlier. This arts and crafts project is to learn how to make your own candles to decorate your house as you celebrate Hanukkah . Its fun to make, and totally child- safe!! Have Fun.

Hanukkah Paper Toy Model - learn how to make this Hanukkah paper toy printable for you and your family.

Cool Passover Seder Plate Ideas - Here is a collection of fun crafts to make great seder plates.

10 Commandments Giant Poster Card - Design your own 10 Commandments giant poster card.

3D Dove - A symbol of peace, this easy to make craft project is a fitting way to greet the Jewish New Year.

3D Stars of David - Make a beaded Star of David out of beads to represent Judaism. A great craft for Jewish kids.

Afikomen Bag Passover Craft for Jewish Kids - Find out how you can make your own afikomen bag for Passover.

An Adorable Noah's Ark And Animals Too! - Follow these instructions to make this cute Noah's ark with animals!

Apple Core Magnet - Make this apple core fridge magnet for Rosh Hashanah. Apples in Rosh Hashanah represent hope for the coming year.

Apple Honey Holder - Find out how you can make your own Rosh Hashanah apple honey holder at home.

Apple of Hope - Find out how you can make this huge papier mache apple of hope for the Jewish New Year.

Apple Print Rosh Hashanah Card - This is the perfect Rosh Hashanah craft for Jewish children.

Apple Rosh Hashanah Card - This is an easy Rosh Hashanah card craft that turns out very beautiful.

A Useful Tray for the Rosh Hashanah Holidays! - Re use a frame to make a beautiful tray for Rosh Hashanah.

Baby Food Jar Hanukkah Menorah - Learn how to make a Hanukkah Menorah from nine small baby food jars.

Baby Food Jar Menorah Craft - A beautiful bejeweled menorah your children can make for your Hanukkah celebration!

Baby Moses in a Basket Crafts Project - Follow these instructions to make Baby Moses in a Basket just like this one.

Baby Moses in a Basket Arts and Crafts Bible Project - This is a fun craft that can be done after you have read the Story of Moses to kids.

Baby Moses Paper Craft for Passover - Make this Baby Moses paper craft to celebrate Moses with your children.

Bedikat Chametz - Find out how you can make this Bedikat Chametz by following these instructions.

Birthday Candle Menorah - Make a Menorah for Hanukkah using nine birthday candles and holders, air drying clay and acrylic paints.

Blocks Menorah - Beautiful Menorah with the letters of the word Hanukkah.

Blow Your Own Shofar - The sounds of the shofar fill synagogues all over the world during Rosh Hashanah. Make your very own shofar at home to celebrate the start of a great year.

Boy with Yarmulka - Make this Jewish Boy wearing a Yarmulka with different colored beads.

Candle Menorrah Treats Craft for Hanukkah - Make this candle Menorrah and fill it with fun treats such as toys or candy.

Cardboard Tube Menorah - Make a Menorah out of toilet paper cardboard tubes. You even get to be eco-friendly with this project!

Cardboard Tube Moses Craft for Jewish Children - This is a great Passover craft to teach children about the story of Moses.

Chanukah Candles and Candleholders - Children can make their own Chanukah Candles and Candleholders using 8 small baby food jars and a large baby food jar.

Chanukah Craft: Gift Can - This is the perfect decoration kids can make for any Jewish holiday.

Charoset Dish Passover Arts and Crafts Activity - In this craft, children will turn a clay pot into a homemade Passover Charoset Dish.

Circle of Kindness - Start the Jewish New Year right by spinning this homemade Circle of Kindness.

Clay Menorah - This is a simple and beautiful clay Menorah children can make for Hanukkah.

Clay Print Rosh Hashanah Greeting Card - Learn how to make this amazing clay print Rosh Hashanah greeting card.

Clay on Glass Kiddish Cups for Passover Craft for Kids - Make Passover cups by decorating a glass goblet covered with Polymer Clay.

Colorful Chanukah Dreidel Mangets -Learn how you can make these colorful Chanukah Dreidel Magnets by following these instructions.

Cool Hanukkah Menorah Craft - This is an easy and fun to make Menorah.

Craft Spoon Menorah - Find out how children can make a Menorah using wooden craft spoons, 12 plastics cups and a few other materials.

Cut and Tear Candle Card - This is a very easy craft for children to make.

Cute Menorah Paper Craft - Kids can make a Jewish Menorah craft using a printer, paper, crayons, scissors and glue.

Decorate a Dreidel - Use a free printable template and instructions to create a Dreidel masterpiece.

Easy Fold and Cut Star of David - Make a simple Star of David from white paper, scissors and glue or tape.

Egg Carton Menorahs - Make Menorahs using a large plastic egg carton and 9 small colored light bulbs.

Egyptian Pharaoh Masks Passover Craft for Children - The Jews were freed from Egypt by Moses. Make this Egyptian Pharoah Mask to celebrate Passover by acting out the story of Moses.

Elijah’s Cup Place Card - Learn how to make this special Elijah's Cup place card for each guest at the Passover table.

Elijahs Goblet Passover Arts & Crafts Idea for Children - Find out how you can make a special Goblet for Passover like the one Elijah used.

Felt Dreidel Pin Arts and Crafts Project for Chanukah - Learn how to make a Dreidel pin out of felt and a safety pin.

Festive Dreidel Magnets - Make a festive Dreidel fridge magnet from fun foam, glitter, glue and a photo.

Gelt Bag - Find out how to make an adorable gelt bag using inexpensive materials.

Gelt Bag Craft - Learn how to make a gelt bag out of construction paper and cardboard.

Glitter Glue Candle - This glitter glue candle is a wonderful children's craft for Chanukah/Hanukkah.

Glitter (Hanukkah) Votive Cups Kids Arts & Crafts Project Idea - Follow these instructions to make a beautiful Votive Cups for Hanukkah.

Glittery Star of David - This glittery Star of David will look beautiful hanged on your window or door.

Graggers The Purim Noisemakers - Learn how to make special homemade noisemakers called the Graggers.

Hand-Crafted Clay Menorahs - Use your handprints to create an amazing Menorah out of air drying clay.

Handmade Hanukkah Dreidel Arts and Crafts Project - Learn how to make your own Hanukkah dreidel game from scratch.

Children's Tzedakah Box

Hannukah Basket - This is an easy Hannukah craft for the kids ages 3 and up.

Hannukah Crown or Hat - Find out how you can make this Hannukah hat using blue construction paper, white pipe cleaners, pencil, white tissue paper and other materials.

Hannukah Wreath - Learn how to make this Hannukah Wreath from a wire coat hanger and a lot of toilet paper rolls.

Hanukkah Bookmarks - This is a printable bookmark craft for Jewish children who love to read.

Hanukkah Card - Make beautiful Hanukkah cards that your family and friends will be more than happy to receive.

Hanukkah Dreidel Craft - All you need to make this Hanukkah Dreidel is a thin cardboard, a printer, paper, some crayons (or markers or paint), scissors and glue.

Hanukkah Dreidel Paper Craft - This is a very cute and easy Hanukkah craft for children to make.

Hanukkah Fuse Bead Patterns - Use these free Hanukkah fuse beads patterns to create a Star of David, Menorah and a Dreidel.

Hanukkah Origami Candy Dish - This is a great way to serve candy to your guests during Hanukkah.

Hanukkah Ornaments - Make these cute ornaments to celebrate Hanukkah.

Hanukkah Window Cards - Learn how to make these amazing Hanukkah window cards by following these instructions.

Havdalah Spice Box - Make a Passover Havdalah Spice Box to represent Passover for Jewish Kids.

Hebrew Word Tree (See the 4 Pictures Above) - This Hebrew Word Tree can be used as wall hangings, on t-shirts, and other decorations.

Honey Cards - Make these honey cards to wish your friends and family a sweet Jewish New Year.

Homemade Chanukah Menorah - This is another craft project for Jewish kids to make their very own Chanukah Menorah to celebrate Chanukah with. This is a very nice project.

Jewish Handprint Wreath - It’s fun to make and then save it to compare how much the kid’s hands have grown through the years.

Jewish Yarn Bug - Celebrate any Jewish holiday with your kids by making this Jewish Yarn Bug with them.

Kiddush Cups Passover Seder Craft - Spice up your seder traditions with FamilyFun. Making their own special cups gets the kids excited about Passover, and they love showing off their work.

Kindness Calendar Quilt - Make this Kindness Calendar quilt so you can set a date to do goodness towards others.

Let Your Kids Make Handprint Menorahs - This is a fun and simple Menorah craft for kids to make using their handprint.

Macaroni Menorah - Use dry pasta to create a Menorah art piece to hang on your wall for Hanukkah.

Magnetic Dreidels Arts and Crafts Project - Make a Dreidel fridge magnet using craft foam and a strong magnet.

Magnificent Marshmallow Menorahs - Make this Menorah using a bag of marshmallows, a paper plate, candles and glue.

Magnificent Menorahs making Activities - Find out how kids can make this magnificent Menorah from construction paper.

Make a Dreidel from Online Pattern Printout - Print the Dreidel pattern on paper and follow the instructions to put it together.

Make A Greeting Card - Rather than buying impersonal Hallmark cards, why not have your children help with you this annual tradition by making your own cards?

Make a Jewish Calendar for Hanukkah Project - Follow these instructions to make a Jewish calendar. Don't forget to mark family birthdays and special days in special colors so that you can look forward to them. This would make a great present for someone.

Make a Purim Gregar Craft for Kids - Learn how to make this Purim gregar - a fun noise maker to use during the festivities of Purim.

Make A Shofar - Learn how to easily make a colorful Shofar at home.

Make Your Own Gragger Arts & Crafts Activity - Learn how to make a gragger in order to celebrate Purim.

Marvelous Matzah Cover - Make a marvelous Matzoh Cover using colored felt, silk ribbon, foam letters and shapes, scissors and craft glue.

Matzah Holder - Find out how you can make a Matzah holder using Crayola products, recycled materials, coffee filters, hole punch and string.

Matzoh Pin - Children can have some Passover fun with this Matzoh Pin.

Metal Cut-Out Star of David Craft - Learn how to make these amazing metal Star of David decorations.

Moses and the Red Sea Paper Craft for Kids - This is a great Passover paper craft for your children.

Moses and the Ten Commandments Paper Crafts - A great Passover paper craft, this one is Moses and the 10 Commandments.

Needlepoint Torah - Follow these instructions to make your own needlepoint Torah.

New Year's Card for Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year - Wish your friends and family Happy Rosh Hashanah with this New Year's card.

Note Pad Holders - Print and follow these instructions to make these Jewish note pad holders.

Origami Pyramid - Follow these instructions to make your own pyramid out of paper.

Paper Box Making Instructions - Make a cute Hanukkah gift box from paper, scissors, glue and crayons.

Paper Dreidel Crafts - Make a dreidel using a printer and paper, crayons, scissors, glue, and a straw.

Paper Dreidel Pop up Cards - Make some beautiful dreidel pop up cards for your family and friends.

Paper Pyramid Craft for Kids - The Jews were freed from Egypt by Moses. Make this Paper Egyptian Pyramid to celebrate Passover.

Paper Sculpture Rosh Hashanah Greeting Card - What is better than sending a greeting card you made yourself?

Paper Star of David Card for Jewish Youngsters - Find out how you can make a beautiful Star of David card for Hanukkah.

Parting of the Red Sea : Judaica Activities for Jewish Children & Teens - This is a great craft for kids to make after hearing the story of Moses parting the Red Sea.

Passover Cup Favor Craft Projects - Make these adorable Passover cup favors for your Passover guests.

Passover Pillowcase Arts & Crafts Ideas - Follow these instructions to design your own Passover pillowcase.

Passover Plate Arts and Crafts Idea for Jewish Kids - Find out how kids can design their very own Passover plate.

Tzedakah Box Template

Passover Seder Place Cards Craft - Make one Passover Seder place cards for each of your Passover dinner guests.

Passover Seder Placemat Craft for Kids - Find out how you can make a Passover Seder placemat like this one for your Passover feast.

Passover Seder Plate Crafts Activity - Use recycled materials, chenille sticks, and Crayola products to create your own Passover Seder Plate.

Passover T-shirt Pillow - Make a special Passover pillow from a large t-shirt, two rubber bands and a few other materials.

Pony Bead Star of David Making Directions- This craft is fun for older children (8+) and adults.

Printable Seder Plate to Make - With this Seder plate craft, your kids can learn about the tradition of Passover.

Pony Bead Dreidel - This is a dreidel craft is for the older children 9+.

Pop Up Dreidel Card - Children can make their own dreidel greeting cards for Hanukkah.

Purim Gragger Arts and Crafts Activity - This is a Purim crafts activity to make a Gragger for the celebration festival.

Purim Gragger Craft for Kids - Find out how you can make your own Purim Gragger noisemakers.

Purim Gragger Ideas Craft for Children - Here are a couple Purim Gragger craft ides for children of all ages.

Tzedakah Box Template

Purim Mask Arts & Crafts Project for Kids - Learn how to make a Purim mask with this creative crafts activity.

Purim Masks to Print and Color Craft for Toddlers - Find out how you can make these colorful Purim masks with your toddlers.

Purim Origami Activity - This is a Purim origami craft.

Purim Origami Activity 2 - This is another Purim origami craft.

Queen Mask Purim Craft - Make this cool printable queen mask for Purim with your children.

Rosh Hashanah Cards - Make your own greeting cards to give your family and friends for Rosh Hashanah.

Rosh Hashanah Foam Gift Stamps - Find out how you can make your own Rosh Hashanah gift stamps from craft foam.

Shana Tova Bee Puppet Judaica Activities for Jewish Preschoolers - Learn how to make a Shana Tova bee puppet with your little ones.

Shofar - Make a traditional Shofar for Rosh Hashanah from a birthday party horn.

Tzedakah Definition For Children

Simple Decorative Plates for Purim Craft for Children - Make a simple keepsake plate for Purim.

Simple Dreidel Card - Find out how you can make these simple dreidel cards to send your family and friends at Hanukkah.

Simple Spinning Dreidels Crafts Project -Learn how to create a simple spinning dreidel using a small clean milk carton.

Spring Passover Seder Plate Arts and Crafts Project - Celebrate Passover by making your own Seder plate.

Star of David Crafts Idea - Make a Star of David decoration from an aluminum foil plate and a few other supplies.

Star of David Decoration - Follow these instructions to make your own Star of David decoration for Hanukkah.

Star of David Napkin Holders - Learn how to make these cute Star of David napkin rings for Hanukkah.

Star of David Paper Plate Craft - This is a very easy Star of David craft for kids.

Star of David Ribbon - Print and follow the instructions to make a Star of David ribbon.

Star of David Window Ornament - This Star of David window ornament craft a great family craft for Hanukkah.

Stuffed Round Challah - This is a fun toy to make and play with for all the Jewish holidays.

Tallit Making Instructions for Jewish Children- Make this Cool Tallit out of beads. A great craft for Jewish Children.

Ten Commandments - Make the ten commandments stone tablets out of beads. A great craft for Jewish children.

Ten Plague Placemats Judaica Crafts Activities - This is a fun and educational placemat craft for children.

Tissue Paper Dreidel - This is a fun dreidel craft for children made of paper and tissue paper.

Tu B'Shvat Judaica Crafts Ideas for Jewish -Learn how to make a tiny fruit crate from 30 Popsicle sticks.

Synagogue Tzedakah Box

Tzedakah Box - Find out how your kids can make a Tzedakah Box, otherwise known as a charity box.

Tzedakah Box : Judaica Activities for Jewish Children & Teens - Find out how you can make a Tzedakah Box for the Jewish holiday season.

Tzedaka Box : Rosh Hashanah Crafts Projects for Jewish Children - If your family has not yet started the ages-old tradition of having a Tzedakah, there is no better time to start saving tzedakah coins than on the New Year!

Creative Hanukkah Gift for Kids - Here are a few creative Hanukkah gift children can make.

Hanukkah Shapes Craft for Kids - Make Hanukkah shapes such as candle, elephant and Star of David.

Holiday Shower Curtain - Find out how you can decorate your shower curtain for Chanukah.

Marshmallow Menorah Craft -Learn how to make a Menorah from marshmallows, cardboard, canned frosting, milk and food dye.

Mitzvah Scale - Learn how to create a mitzvah scale for a bulletin board or wall decoration.

Pine Cone Decorations - Make pine cone decorations as your Sukkah decorations.

Shofar Collage - Follow these instructions to make a Shofar collage saying 'Happy Rosh Hashanah'.

Star of David Hanukkah Picture Fframe - Find out how you can make Star of David Hanukkah picture frames and give them as gifts.

Star of David Wall Hanging Craft for Kids - Learn how to make a simple Star of David wall hanging with your children.

Wrap It Up for Chanukah! Eight Fun Wrapping Ideas - Here are eight fun gift wrapping ideas for Chanukah!