Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Easter Eggs

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During a Echuu Shen-Jon campaign mission in the 2002 Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, Anakin Skywalker and Palpatine can be seen by a Sith Temple on Krant, an Easter Egg for the game, but this was not at the time Anakin was falling to the dark side, reducing this to a non-canonical easter egg. The scene is hidden in a corner. Dec 22, 2016. Galactic Battlegrounds. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds (2001) Windows, Mac Expansion(s): Star Wars: Galactic. Video games from other franchises where the inclusion of Star Wars characters is very minor and restricted only to small easter eggs or unlockable character cameos. Night Shift (1990) – Platform game featuring action.

  1. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Multiplayer
  2. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Mac
  3. Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Trainer

Is that a problem in the grand scheme though? Not really. Galactic Battlegrounds is still a satisfying RTS game, and itsquirks are easily overlooked in the greater context of the finished product. Sticking with the Age of Empires formula allowed LucasArts to focus on producing content, instead of tinkering with new mechanics. Besides, that only really comes into play when you're in the Standard Game mode - focusing on the story campaign is where Galactic Battlegrounds has more of a large-scale Star Wars battle feel.

Jettison 1 7 5 equals. Sorry, did I say story campaign? I meant story campaigns. Galactic Battlegrounds has a total of eight story arcs, each exploring events alongside the original trilogy, The Phantom Menace, and Attack of the Clones. (Revenge of the Sith hadn't been released yet, although an Episode III campaign wouldn't have added new factions anyway.) Each campaign tells a standalone story from the perspective of a particular faction, and challenges players with taking them through their various tribulations.

Most RTS games would prefer to focus on two primary factions, and let players choose which side they'll guide to victory. But Galctic Battlegrounds' model lets you follow factions that don't fit a particular model, allowing for more varied stories overall. Sure, everybody likes taking control of Darth Vader or Princess Leia and pitting them against each other. But what about helping a young Chewbacca settle a colony world? Or uniting warring Gungan tribes long before The Phantom Menace even began? Or bringing Chewbacca back to Kashyyyk after Return of the Jedi to free his home planet from slavers? These are the kind of plot lines that, today, would require expansions, DLC, or fan-made scenarios to explore. In Galactic Battlegrounds however, they're simply packaged within the core game, and can be completed in any order you like. It's a wonderful approach that would be nice to see more of in modern licensed games.

And as a special treat, if you manage to push to the end of a campaign, you're given access to bonus missions from the films, some of which have non-canon endings. It's well and good to play out your head canon in skirmish mode, but this is almost official. Think the Empire should have crushed the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi? Beat the Empire campaign and see if you're right. Want to experience that spectacular Droid/Gungan battle from Episode I? Conquer either campaign and you can. While not adding anything to either story, it's a nicetouch that should appeal to any Star Wars fan.

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Multiplayer


But what if you love Star Wars, but aren't an RTS player? Is there still enough to make it worthwhile? Speaking personally - as a gamer who rarely plays RTS games - Galactic Battlegrounds was still enjoyable and does well at easing in beginners. One of the campaigns is purposely introduced as a 'Basic Training' arc, giving you lots of opportunities to practice game mechanics before capping the story with a full-blown war. That's not to say the mechanics can't sometimes be too complex - even within the tutorial there are a few points where it feels like too much information is being processed at once. But by and large, it goes a long way toward making you comfortable with the rules before throwing you into one of the more advanced campaigns.

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Mac

One thing that did disappoint me, was that Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds doesn't really have space battles to speak of. There's a mission on an asteroid, but most levels put you in control of ground units. While you can unlock various spaceships, they're not actually going to space - just supporting your ground troop campaign. Granted, this probably stemmed from its Age of Empire origins. The Romans never went to space that I'm aware of. It's still something though, that keeps Galactic Battlegrounds from feeling like a 'true' Star Wars strategy game.

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Trainer

Regardless, that's far from a deal breaker. Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds is a well-designed RTS that embraces Star Wars' varied universe as well as classic strategy gameplay. The benefits of the experience far outweigh the faults, and its well worth picking up at GOG.

Come back next week for Marla Desat's review of Star Wars: Rogue Squadron followed by Stew Shearer's take on Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight!