International Rules Of Chess In Hindi Pdf
Basic chess rules are essential if you want to learn chess. That’s why we are explaining these chess rules in an easy to understand way. From initial board set up to movement of every piece, we will explain everything in this chess rules section. History of chess. Chess is believed to have been invented 1500 years ago in India.
Download Chess Books PDF, CBV, PGN. Here, you will be able to download the new chess books released in 2018-2019 in PDF, CBV and PGN formats. Due to the increased number of copyright complaints we had to move all books to the hosting offered by our partner. Jan 27, 2018. Chess me 64 box hote h Jsme 16 =16 gotiya hoti 8=8 pon 2=2rock 2=2kinght 2=2B. 1=1king 1=1quine. Files are columns that go up and down the chessboard, and each board has eight of them. Because numbers indicate ranks, letters indicate files, which are labeled from left to right. The naming conventions for ranks and files allows you to give an identifier to every square by using what chess people call the file-first method. For example, the lower right-hand square is called.
Chess is a game, played by two players. One player plays with the whitepieces, and the other player plays with the black pieces. Each player hassixteen pieces in the beginning of the game: one king, one queen, two rooks,two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns.
The game is played on a chessboard, consisting of 64 squares: eightrows and eight columns. The squares are alternately light (white) and darkcolored. The board must be laid down such that there is a black squarein the lower-left corner. To facilitate notation of moves, all squaresare given a name. From the view of the white player, the rows are numbered1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; the lowest row has number 1, and the upper rowhas number 8. The columns are named, from left to right, a, b, c, d, e,f, g, h. A square gets a name, consisting of the combination of its column-letterand row-number, e.g., the square in the lower left corner (for white) isa1.
Alternately, the players make a move, starting with the white player(the player that plays with the white pieces.) A move consists of movingone of the pieces of the player to a different square, following the rulesof movement for that piece - there is one special exception, named castling,where players move two pieces simultaneously.
A player can take a piece of the opponent by moving one of hisown pieces to the square that contains a piece of the opponent. The opponentspiece then is removed from the board, and out of play for the rest of thegame. (Taking is not compulsory.)
At the start of the game, the position of the pieces is as follows.
Thus, at the second row, there are eight white pawns, at the seventhrow, there are eight black pawns. At the first row, from left to right,we have a: rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, and rook.Note that the queens start of squares of their own color, with a dark squarein each players left hand corner.
Movement of the pieces
The rook moves in a straight line, horizontally or vertically. The rookmay not jump over other pieces, that is: all squares between the squarewhere the rook starts its move and where the rook ends its move must beempty. (As for all pieces, when the square where the rook ends his movecontains a piece of the opponent, then this piece is taken. The squarewhere the rook ends his move may not contain a piece of the player owningthis rook.)
The bishop moves in a straight diagonal line. The bishop may also notjump over other pieces.
The queen has the combined moves of the rook and the bishop,i.e., the queen may move in any straight line, horizontal, vertical, ordiagonal.
The knight makes a move that consists of first one step in a horizontalor vertical direction, and then one step diagonally in an outward direction. The knight jumps:it is allowed that the first square that the knight passes over is occupiedby an arbitrary piece. For instance, white can start the game by movinghis knight from b1 to c3. The piece that is jumped over is further notaffected by the knight: as usual, a knight takes a piece of the opponentby moving to the square that contains that piece.
The pawn moves differently regarding whether it moves to an empty squareor whether it takes a piece of the opponent. When a pawn does not take,it moves one square straight forward. When this pawn has not moved at all,i.e., the pawn is still at the second row (from the owning players view),the pawn may make a double step straight forward. For instance, a whitepawn on d2 can be moved to d4.
When taking, the pawn goes one square diagonally forward.
There is one special rule, called taking en-passant.When a pawn makes a double step from the second row to the fourth row, and there is an enemy pawn on anadjacent square on the fourth row, then this enemy pawn inthe next move may move diagonally to the squarethat was passed over by the double-stepping pawn, which is on the third row. In this same move, thedouble-stepping pawn is taken.This taking en-passant must be done directly: ifthe player who could take en-passant does not do this in the first moveafter the double step, this pawn cannot be taken anymore by an en-passantmove.
A double pawn step, and a following en-passant capture
Pawns that reach the last row of the board promote. When a playermoves a pawn to the last row of the board, he replaces the pawn by a queen,rook, knight, or bishop (of the same color). Usually, players will promotethe pawn to a queen, but the other types of pieces are also allowed. (Itis not required that the pawn is promoted to a piece taken. Thus, it isfor instance possible that a player has at a certain moment two queens.)
Before and after a promotion
The king moves one square in any direction, horizontally, vertically,or diagonally. There is one special type of move, made by a king and rooksimultaneously, called castling: see below.
The king is the most important piece of the game, and moves must bemade in such a way that the king is never in check: see below.
Under certain, special rules, a king and rook can move simultaneouslyin a castling move.
The following conditions must be met:
- The king that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.
- The rook that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.
- The king is not in check.
- The king does not move over a square that is attacked by an enemy pieceduring the castling move, i.e., when castling, there may not be an enemy piecethat can move (in case of pawns: by diagonal movement) to a square that ismoved over by the king.
- The king does not move to a square that is attacked by an enemy pieceduring the castling move, i.e., you may not castle and end the move with theking in check.
- All squares between the rook and king before the castling move areempty.
- The King and rook must occupy the same rank (or row).
When castling, the king moves two squares towards the rook, and therook moves over the king to the next square, i.e., black's king on e8 androok on a8 move to: king c8, rook d8 (long castling), white's kingon e1 and rook on h1 move to: king g1, rook f1 (short castling).
position before and after castling: white short, and black long
Neither white nor black may castle: white is in check, and theblack king may not move over d8
Check, mate, and stalemate
When the king of a player can be taken by a piece of the opponent, onesays that the king is in check. For instance, the white player moveshis rook to a position such that it attacks the black king, i.e., if blackdoesn't do anything about it, the rook could take the black king in thenext move: we say that the white rook gives check. It is consideredgood manners to say check when one checks ones opponent.
It is not allowed to make a move, such that ones king is in check afterthe move. If a player accidently tries to make such a move, he must take themove back and make another move (following the rules that one must move withthe piece one has touched, see below.)
When a player is in check, and he cannot make a move such that afterthe move, the king is not in check, then he is mated. The playerthat is mated lost the game, and the player that mated him won the game.
Note that there are three different possible ways to remove a check:
- Move the king away to a square where he is not in check.
- Take the piece that gives the check.
- (In case of a check, given by a rook, bishop or queen: ) move a piecebetween the checking piece and the king.
When a player cannot make any legal move, but he is not in check, thenthe player is said to be stalemated. In a case of a stalemate, thegame is a draw.
When black must move, the game is a stalemate
Other rules
Resign and draw proposals
A player can resign the game, which means that he has lost and his opponenthas won.
After making a move, a player can propose a draw: his opponent can acceptthe proposal (in which case the game ends and is a draw) or refuse theproposal (in which case the game continues).
Repetition of moves
If the same position with the same player to move is repeated threetimes in the game, the player to move can claim a draw. (When the rightto make a certain castling move is lost by one of the players between positions,then the positions are considered to be different. For the fine pointsof this rule, see the official rules of chess.)
One case where the repetition of move occurs is when a player continues togive check forever. See an explanation with animatedgif.
50 moves rules
If there are have been 50 consecutive moves of white and of black without
- any piece taken
- any pawn move
then a player can claim a draw. For the fine points of this rule, seethe official rules of chess.
Touching pieces
When a player touches one of his own pieces, he must, if possible, makea legal move with this piece. When a player touches a piece of the opponent,he must, if possible, take this piece.
Chess clocks and time
Often, players play the game with chess clocks. These clocks count thetime that each player separately takes for making his own moves. Additionalrules are then used, saying how many (possibly all) moves must be madebefore a player has used a certain time for his moves. For details, seethe official rules of chess.
Other rules
There are other rules, telling what should happen in special occasions,like that players started the game with a wrong setup, etc. These are notso important for friendly games; for details, again see the official rulesof chess.
International Rules Of Chess In Hindi Pdf 2017
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Written by: Hans Bodlaender. With thanks to: Henk Penning, for suggestingto make this WWW page, and several others for noting errors or suggestions.WWW page created: May 9, 1996. Last modified: June 23, 2000.International Rules Of Chess In Hindi Pdf Download
Unless you have amazing powers of visualization, chess requires a chess set and a board for you to play on. The chessboard is divided up into sections called ranks and files, and the set is composed of different chessmen with different movements and powers. After you understand all of these topics, you can start playing the great game of chess, with checkmate as your goal.
Setting Up Your Chessboard
Setting up your chessboard is the first step in playing a game of chess. Take your time setting up the board, until you’re confident that you know where everything goes:
The rooks go on the corner squares.
Place the knights next to the rooks.
Put the bishops on the board next to the knights.
After the bishops come the queens. The queens always start on the square of the same shade — the white queen starts on a light square, and the black queen starts on a dark square.
Place the kings next to the queens, which is only fitting.
Add the pawns straight across the rank in front of the other pieces.
Naming Ranks and Files in Chess
The chessboard is divided into ranks (numbers) and files (letters). This is used as an identifier for when the players move their chess pieces. There are eight of each, and each is comprised of eight squares of equal size:
Ranks are rows that go from side to side across the chessboard and are referred to by numbers. Each chessboard has eight ranks, which are numbered from the bottom of the board (where the white pieces start) on up.
Files are columns that go up and down the chessboard, and each board has eight of them. Because numbers indicate ranks, letters indicate files, which are labeled from left to right.
The naming conventions for ranks and files allows you to give an identifier to every square by using what chess people call the file-first method. For example, the lower right-hand square is called h1. This name is shorthand for h-file, first rank.
Knowing the Moves that Chess Pieces Can Make
Before you can play a game of chess, you need to know how to move the pieces (legally). A chess piece’s power is tied to its mobility. The more mobile a piece is, the more powerful it is:
Pawns: Pawns can only move forward. On their first move, they can move one or two squares. Afterwards, they can move only one square at a time. They can capture an enemy piece by moving one square forward diagonally.
Bishops: Bishops can move any number of squares diagonally.
Knights: Knights can move only in an L-shape, one square up and two over, or two squares over and one down, or any such combination of one-two or two-one movements in any direction.
Rooks: Rooks can move any number of squares, up and down and side to side.
Queens: Queens can move any number of squares along ranks, files and diagonals.
Kings: Kings can move one square at a time in any direction.
Understanding Check, Checkmate, and Stalemate in Chess
In chess, check is an attack on an enemy king; this attack can’t be ignored. If the check can’t be neutralized, it is checkmate and the game is over. Stalemate occurs when one player has no legal moves, but his king isn’t in check. Here are a few additional details on check, checkmate, and stalemate in chess:
Check: An attack on a king by either an opposing piece or an opposing pawn is called check. When in check, a player must do one of the following:
Move the king so that it’s no longer under attack.
Block the attack by interposing a piece between the king and the attacker.
Capture the attacking piece.
Checkmate: When a king is in check and can’t perform any of the preceding moves, it has been checkmated. If your king is checkmated, you lose the game. The term checkmate is commonly shortened to simply mate.
Stalemate:Stalemate is the relatively rare situation when a player whose king isn’t in check has no legal move to make. Stalemate is considered a draw. Neither player wins, but the game is over.