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- Fecha y hora actual: 11 Septiembre 2020, 06:13 PM
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Me resulta raro que todavía no se haya posteado. Dejo unos enlaces para que podáis echarle un ojo. SegaXtreme hilo Enlace de Github del proyecto de traducción YouTube Link
akram- Recien llegado
- Registrado: Junio 2009
- Mensajes: 16
Wow, gracias por esta informacion, voy a probar esta semana si funciona o no. Lo tengo en inglés en la Playstation pero si puedo POR FIN jugar a Grandia en Saturn, seria otra noticia espectacular, después del Linkle Liver Story. Existe también un patch de Ninpen Manmaru inacabada, con las traducciones de las cinematicas. Y parece que el proyecto de Princess Crown continua, otra gran noticia, siento demasiada emocion
Sheva- Miembro de la Elite
- Registrado: Julio 2012
- Mensajes: 3130
Vaya, qué buena nueva. Os pongo el log de la última versión del parche de antesdeayer: Sega Saturn Grandia English Patch April 6th, 2019 This Patch will apply the official English Translation from the Sony Playstation version of Grandia to the original Japanese Sega Saturn release. To follow the progress of this hack please be sure to pay attention to the thread at SegaXtreme.net: https://segaxtreme.net/threads/translating-grandia.24330/ ---------------------------------------------------------- C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Source Image and Checksum Info 2. How to apply the patch 3. Known Issues 4. Notes about Running on Real Hardware 5. Change Log ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Source Image and Checksum Info ---------------------------------------------------------- The Image used for this was a rip from my personal copy of the game. There's little information out there if there are other revisions of the game so be sure to check the checksums. I ripped my image file using ImgBurn and ripped as BIN/CUE format. After which I extracted the Data Track into an ISO file. The Checksums Pre-Patch should be as follows for the ISO file: MD5: D1C273B9871A34E5D7A7168E30CDB421 CRC-32: D4BF88BE SHA-1 : 75146114330BA9A028974253FB2186A29241D631 SHA-256: 68FA1AED046E4F4F052E67A0A4FD56D4E3C661BF77A478854D96D9AD772CE543 Post Patch Checksums should be this: MD5: 4D6F460B2053AB27B5C7E66614C26D08 CRC-32: 2245501F SHA-1 : 8C724A127D496A86EC9F1DE77DC81941E0702A8C SHA-256: 3E5B22C78D8BAB2B810B3FD463D679567375DC0775DEBBA59F004BE86644FC31 ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. How to apply the patch ---------------------------------------------------------- First you'll need a BIN/CUE rip of the game. I suggest using ImgBurn to rip your personal disc in BIN/CUE format at the Slowest possible speed. You will then need to extract the data track from the BIN file. This will give you an ISO file that you can apply the patch to. To do this you'll need additional software. The Software I used was IsoBuster which can be found here: https://www.isobuster.com/download.php After installing and starting up IsoBuster, open the BIN/CUE image you created of your Grandia disc with it: 1) Go to File > Open Image File 2) Select the CUE file of your Grandia rip 3) Click Open. Next you'll need to extract the seprate tracks: 1) Right click on Session 1 2) Select Extract Session 1 > Extract User Data This will open a prompt asking where you want to save the data. Navigate to the directory of your choosing and click OK. This will give you Track 01 as an ISO and Track 02 as a Wav file. Rename these as follows: - GRANDIA.iso - GRANDIA.wav You are now ready to apply the patch. The patch is in xdelta format, so you'll neeed to use a patching utility. I'd recommend using DeltaPatcher or DeltaPatcher Lite. Using DeltaPatcher apply the the patch as follows: 1) Select GRANDIA.iso as your original file. 2) Select the patch file included in this zip as the patch 3) Click Appy Patch. If that all went well you should be ready to go. The included CUE sheet is designed to be used with the extracted GRANDIA.wav file that IsoBuster extracted. If this does not work or you extracted the files under different names, you can use the SegaCueMaker to generate a new one. ---------------------------------------------------------- 3. Known Issues ---------------------------------------------------------- This is still a very early release, so it is advised that you play this in an emulator as crashes are likely to occur. The preferred Emulator is Mednafen as it seems to behave the closest to the real deal. If Mednafen crashes, it's very likely that a real Saturn will crash. SSF is the nex best emulator to use, but there are instances where it will run fine where as Mednafen and a real Saturn will crash. So keep that in mind. Crashes tend to happen during scripted scenes and scripted map transitions. This is because every now and then the PS1 scripts use different codes than the Saturn version. However the only way to catch this is to play the game and encounter them. So that's where playtesting comes into play. Asside from the odd crashing, the following issues are known: - Voice Audio is horribly out of sync during voiced dialogue. - The words 'Ambushed' and 'Your Initiative' in battle are out of alignment. - Battle Menu Icon text is not translated. This is actually Graphical data that needs to be decompressed and edited. - Some Post Battle text is untranslated for similar reasons. - All but the first Map Screen are untranslated. The text in these screens gets scaled by VDP1 which ended up looking very poor. As a result I have not touched the others until I can figure out a better way to do this. - FMVs are untranslated. The format used for these is still unknown so these most likely wont be subtitled for a while. - Menu Selections are misalgined (Yes/No on Save Screen, etc.) If you encounter a bug, please post it on the SegaXtreme thread or post it on the SegaXtreme discord. When posting a bug please include the following: - What exactly happened? (Game Crashed, Typo, Garbled Text, etc.) - Screenshots or Videos if possible. - What where you doing when it happened? - Where in the game where you when it happened? - A copy of your save file from your emulator. ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. Notes about Running on Real Hardware ---------------------------------------------------------- The patch right now is still in a very early state. Crashes are very likely to still happen so to avoid making coasters it's advised that you stick to emulation for now. That said, the patch does at least work on real hardware so there's nothing stopping you from burning a disc if you want to. However the following things should be taken into account. 1) Grandia is VERY picky about the Burn Speed used and the quality of the media you use. The cheap Verbatims or Memorex CD-Rs you buy at Best Buy will most likely not cut it. You'll need to shell out for some JVC Taiyo Yudens. 2) Grandia does NOT play nice with 50Hz. So PAL users will need a 60Hz switch installed most likely. The reasoning for this comes down to two things. First Grandia uses a custom Video Codec. So if the burn isn't up to snuff you're going to get garbled audio and stuttering FMVs at best, if not a complete hang. The other reason is that Grandia relies heavily on streaming data off the disc constantly for sounds, as well as doing lots of redundant reads and loads from the disc. If the burn isn't good, the game is going to be unstable. ---------------------------------------------------------- 5. Change Log ---------------------------------------------------------- Disc 1 v0.05 (4/4/2019): - Initial Beta Test Release Disc 1 v0.051 (4/4/2019): - Fixed Patching Process Disc 1 v0.052 (4/6/2019): - Fixed Bug which had the game crashing at Parm.
De momento por lo tanto tendremos que tirar de emulador... P.D: Por cierto, de momento es el disco 1... ____________ Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. (Confucius)
Ryo Suzuki Alfonso Martínez González - Webmaster
Shenmue Freak
- Registrado: Agosto 2005
- Ubicación: 難波
- Mensajes: 10010
Cuando quiera rejugarlo ya se dónde lo voy a hacer
Sakai- Segata Sanshirō
- Registrado: Julio 2012
- Ubicación: Málaga
- Mensajes: 352
Yo lo he probado y funciona sin problema. Para probarlo en hardware real hay que esperar o hacerlo con cds de muy buena calidad ademas de una grabación lenta. Si alguien se anima a hacer una repro o a echarme una mano, se va haciendo para que esté todo listo para salga la versión final
akram- Recien llegado
- Registrado: Junio 2009
- Mensajes: 16
Dios mio... LA NOTICIA DE TRADUS MÁS GRANDE QUE PODÍA LEER JAMÁS.... Ojalá Raizing esté leyendo esto.. Saturn para los occidentales va a ganar un título A++++++
saturn_worship- Staff Unreleased
Moderador Arqueologo Sega Saturn
- Registrado: Abril 2007
- Mensajes: 1189
Una gran noticia para los poseedores de la Saturn, uno de sus incunables por fin disponible para jugar en un idiomas mucho mas accesible para el común de los aficionados. Un antes y un después gracias a la encomiable labor de todos los que han contribuido a este proyecto. Sega Saturn Shiro.
segatasanshiro- Hooligan seguero
Miembro de la Elite
- Registrado: May 2009
- Mensajes: 9575
Notición!!! Yo ya me había resignado a tener que jugarlo en PSX XDDD que se tiren el tiempo que necesiten, no les metáis prisa que se me queman
zeros- Administrador
Donante Unreleased €
- Registrado: Diciembre 2005
- Ubicación: Albacete
- Mensajes: 1422
He hablado con el creador del parcheador y me dice que puede echarle un vistazo por si estamos interesados en traducirlo al español, eso si, cuando termine de crear el de inglés
akram- Recien llegado
- Registrado: Junio 2009
- Mensajes: 16
Soy super fan de la saga, no me extraña que tardara en pubublicarse pues me parece habrá muchos más que prefieren la saga FF, hay varias tradu que se empezaron a cocinar en su tiempo y a la fecha no han salido pero sin duda buenísima notícia. Gracias por la info
omi_payaso- Miembro de la Elite
- Registrado: Abril 2010
- Mensajes: 2175
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